
A knowledgebase for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology


Who coined the term “Bioinformatics”?

Bioinformatics is a well-known and highly established field of study in today’s time. Almost all the branches of Life Sciences have some connection with Bioinformatics. Be it genome sequencing or protein function and structural analysis. Due to its multidisciplinary nature, bioinformatics acts as a connecting link between experts from different fields of Natural Sciences. Mathematicians,…

The True Friends of a Bioinformatician

You are working on a project in hand and you are stuck with problems that you are unable to solve even after several attempts? You are trying to search for a tool or database to incorporate in your pipeline? You are getting errors in your script that you have written to automate a tedious task?…

The Problem of “Link Rot” in Bioinformatics

Have you ever searched for a particular tool or database that you urgently need to look for some analysis or information for your research and you go to Google search and look for the tool? It gives you some relevant information based on your search string. It usually returns the direct link to that tool…


Introducing Bioinfopedia, your ultimate gateway to the captivating world of Bioinformatics. Delve into the realm where cutting-edge technology and life sciences intertwine. Unravel the mysteries concealed within genomic data, as we decode the language of DNA, uncover hidden patterns, and unlock revolutionary insights. Join our community of passionate researchers and enthusiasts as we navigate the frontiers of computational biology, paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in healthcare, agriculture, and beyond. Welcome to Bioinfopedia, where knowledge blooms at the intersection of biology and informatics.


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